We strive to breathe life into items who have lost their home and give them a second chance.

Why Recycle Metal?

Posted by Meghan Neff on

When you recycle metals, you are helping the environment run smoother. Why is this? This helps the environment by conservation and by using less energy to produce new metals. Overall it creates cleaner air, and helps mother nature get back to her course we used to know well. (Midwest Americans may not know a normal, but at least it's almost consistent). 

As of right now America has almost tripled trash production since 1960. 32.5 percent of trash is recycled or composted (GREAT!), 12.5 percent is burned, and 55 percent is buried in landfills! (Source 1) 

Because metals are so harsh to the environment in landfills, there is an extra effort in place to make sure mills are processing their material in a timely fashion. For example: It can take as little as 60 days for aluminum cans to be recycled! Meanwhile, It would take 200 years for the same aluminum can to breakdown in a landfill! (Source 2)


Here's the best thing about recycling metal(s)... YOU GET PAID TO DO IT!!! Crazy right? You can get PAID to recycle items you no longer have a use for! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?! Doing good for the environment, and yourself; TALK ABOUT A DOUBLE WIN! 

#doitforyou #doitfortheworld


1: https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/land-waste-and-cleanup-topics

2: https://livegreen.recyclebank.com/column/the-list/8-awesome-facts-about-metal-recycling





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